In his March talk John reminds us:
“You are more than enough because within you lies the Divine Presence. You are all you came to be. The Divine, the Universe, does not judge you. Why do you?”
When we remember this then we are always aligned and in the moment all is possible. Then we can begin taking the baby steps that allow us to create all we wish to experience. We allow ourselves to learn through joy and not through struggle. We set aside our ego’s desires and connect to our ability to create through dreams first. If you are settling for what you think is possible then you are not aligning to your Presence. After all, it knows that anything is possible if we wish to create it. Once we accept that then relationships, career, goals and dreams become all that we intended when we created our plan for this lifetime. Being aligned to the Presence, we align to our blueprint and thus the possibility of getting it wrong no longer applies.
Are you aligned within?