The view from the top
Last month we spoke about ascending the mountain. This month I want to continue by talking about the view from the top and being able to see 360 degrees. In
Last month we spoke about ascending the mountain. This month I want to continue by talking about the view from the top and being able to see 360 degrees. In
Where are you standing? Now is a great time to ask yourself. If meeting your own needs, no matter the impact on others, drives you then you are not standing
Personality or Soul – which guides you? What does being who we be mean? It means that we stand in the light of our spiritual self and not our personality.
In 2013 John spoke about standing in the light of who you be and of standing on solid ground. Here is an extract: We talk to you often about standing
And then comes Aether/ Spirit. When we’re at ease within about where we stand, the pressure lifts and our heart opens to feel more joy. At that point sitting and