John the Beloved


Mountains of Andorra

The view from the top

Last month we spoke about ascending the mountain. This month I want to continue by talking about the view from the top and being able to see 360 degrees. In

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Wars Pestilence and Plague

Every few hundred years we go through some sort of pandemic that decimates the population and creates fear in the population. There is only 100 years however between the last one

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Being Accountable

I’m often asked why accountability is so important. Surely punishment isn’t a loving way to live. At that point I ask what the definition of accountability is. I have always

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Trying to control everything

It is such an illusion to think we are in control. For example, can you control a stock market crash, the weather, your health and well being? Of course not!

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What keeps you small?

Are you uncertain of your direction? Do you hesitate to make choices for fear of making a mistake? When does getting it right mean you never step forward? Just like

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3 Ways we delude ourselves

Are you always honest with yourself? Do you allow other people’s opinions to be more important than your own? Do you feel that you need to be perfect before you

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