2016 is about our ability to connect, create and change to empower all we have been building.

This year the energy is about enjoying who we are and celebrating all we have learned about ourselves and our journey. It is about kindness and consideration, making no excuses and total acceptance that our Soul has a path for us to tread. It is our choice if we walk it in pain or joy.
So what is our next step?
Tony and I have just spent two weeks aboard a ship bound for New Zealand and it was a fascinating experience. A couple of thousand people all in one place, sharing food and entertainment. What fascinated was the difference between those who floated across the surface of this, oblivious to anything outside self and those who took time to see those around them. There was the gentleman who assured us he is a very important person with a large portfolio; the lady who wanted to share all her very serious life issues nad how her family hated her; the couple who could not agree and needed a referee all the time. And then there were those who were simply delighted to meet someone new and to share time and space together. Obviously there are no coincidences. We met people who were genuinely interested in others and those who simply wanted us to see and hear about their journey.
It was a great opportunity to practise John’s teaching about being Awake, Alert and Aware. Being awake to who we are, alert to the consequences of our and aware of how our much we can therefore change our world.The New Awareness is about this. are already having an impact. Now we have the opportunity to anchor it as a way of life. John’s phrase for this period is Connect, Create and Change.Through this we are able to build solid communities that are loving and caring.
Through our willingness to connect we consider our family, friends and neighbours through the lens of the present, not the past and how we might add light to their lives. Kindness is the simplest way to do so. Not by being controlling but by offering a kindness when the opportunity presents itself. There is no need to create opportunities since our Soul is excellent of doing so for us! Having the will to either connect to others wholeheartedly or to step aside in recognition that there is no empathy present. Being connected to others through love means also being discreet. It means holding the other as sacred – or Divine, as John says in this month’s talk – and accept not judge.
When we create we allow the seeds of our connection to become the path for community to be created. This is a community committed to supporting each other, not rescuing, gossiping, sacrificing or converting. A true community provides a safe place port in a storm where no matter the issue there is always someone willing to listen and hold out a hand. Without this we are simply people sharing the same place – or ship!