As a child did you used to daydream? Did you imagine you were an astronaut or a princess? What dreams did you have and did you play them out after school?
i did. I used to have the most amazing adventures. And then I was told I had to grow up and be practical. Daydreaming in class was frowned upon and brought extra homework down on my head. So I stopped daydreaming and entered the ‘real’ world. Interestingly enough, years later I began daydreaming again only this time it was acceptable. This time I was visualising myself healthy and whole after being seriously ill.
I was told I needed to harness my ability to see what I wanted to occur and allow it to be as real as possible so that I would lift myself out of depression and pain. Well, it worked! Interesting how something that came naturally to me as a child was made wrong and then made acceptable in a certain way as an adult.
In fact, as our scientists have proved, the brain cannot tell the difference between that which it imagines we are doing and that which we actually do. This is why so many sports people, actors, politicians and CEO’s work with people who show them how to do this regularly to improve performance.
You don’t need to pay someone to help you to do this. You simply need to remember how to daydream once again. When we do, then anything is possible. The more we do it, the more everything is possible.
Daydreaming is the number 1 most underestimated tool we have because first of all it is so easy, secondly it costs us nothing when we use it and finally it opens our mind – and often our eyes – to truths we had not been able to see any other way. The simplest way to daydream is to allow your eyes to go slightly out of focus. Doing this disengages the mind from its need for control.
Allow your mind to wander over a few things that are happening in your life at the moment. Don’t think about what you need to do. Simply let your thoughts roam over all the possibilities for you if there were no restrictions. If you could do anything you wished about any of these things what might you do? Play with ideas still without focusing your eyes. Let your mind wander where it will. After a few minutes you will realise that it has come to rest on something that is a clear solution or an easy way for you to use.
Don’t begin with the biggest or heaviest things. This is a muscle you have to learn to use again so be gentle with yourself.
And if you are already a serous daydreamer you are streets ahead of the game!