John the Beloved

Revisiting our spiritual degree in order to move forward

A couple of years ago, I posted an article called 3 ways to discover your spiritual degree. I asked the following questions: What degree do you hold spiritually? Why do you need one? How do you discover it? Having a spiritual degree is not about the judgement of how spiritual we are. It has nothing to do with any good works we do or how much we may have studied spirituality. Our spiritual degree is determined by how well we LIVE what we learn. I also asked: Do you show up when Spirit needs you – or only when you need Spirit? When you are given guidance that is not what you are looking for do you ignore it or cooperate with it? Is your life evolving from one experience to another? Then I offered 3 ways to discover your degree. Here they are. If you always show up for Spirit, if you always trust and follow your guidance even when not to your preference, if you are always evolving through your experiences then your degree is active. You could say you have become an initiate. If you regularly (but not always) show up for Spirit, if you regularly (but not always) trust and follow your guidance even when not to your preference, if you are regularly (but not always) evolving through your experiences then your degree is conditional. You could say you have become a disciple. If you sometimes show up for Spirit, if you sometimes trust and follow your guidance even when not to your preference, if you are sometimes evolving through your experiences then your degree is conditional. You could say you are a probationer. Where do you see yourself in this frame? Can you see self without judgment? Can you accept that where you are is where you are choosing to be? My question now is this. How much have you changed over the past 2 years? If you were to pose those questions now would the answers be the same or would they be different? Moving into a new year it is always good to look back and reflect. I hope this offers you an unexpected gift as you complete one year and move into the next. Enjoy your Christmas or holiday celebration!