Do you sit quietly or are your thoughts a logjam or cloudy?
What is your focus?
Do you sit and hope for the best?
Meditation is the art of stepping beyond your personality and into your Soul. Having meditated for a number of years, I am a great proponent of meditation. However I am not one to tell you how you should do it. We are all individuals and what suits one may not suit another. Many like to be guided. Many prefer to sit in silence and feel their connection. Whichever works for you is the right way to meditate. And if you feel you cannot do so then daydream instead. It’s another way to enter an altered state.
When we meditate our breath deepens and thus we oxygenate our bodies fully. We calm the central nervous system and relax on very deep levels. And sometimes if we are very deep we may be contacted by those from the higher realms who wish to work with us.
When we develop a regular practice of meditation the benefits go beyond our health into levels of well being that bring us fully to life. This is not about being “woo-woo.” It’s about realizing that we all have a role to play on this planet, understanding how to do so without drama and stepping up to help improve life for us all. When we are at peace within, we are able to share peace with others through collaboration.
If you are a beginner then often it is easier to use a guided meditation to meet your guides or teachers. If you have been meditating for awhile however, it is not quite so easy or simple. I used to look at the theme of energy that was around me and sit to meditate about that. Often I felt my understanding was improved. Sometimes I felt I got nowhere. and on a few occasions I left my meditation feeling I had missed the point somehow.
If that’s you then I really understand.