John the Beloved



Standing at the Heart

What does it mean when we talk about standing at the Heart of the Universe and being At One? It means that we see ourselves as a part of a

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Heart Light Review

In John’s December talk, he speaks of the dramas playing out on the world stage both natural and manmade and asks us about our foundation, which is interesting because it’s

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Choosing Direction

Choosing direction and destination is this month’s theme. And it’s particularly appropriate in light of the natural disasters that have been occurring globally. Climate change is here, whether we believe

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Are your relationships solid?

Are your relationships solid? This month’s blog is about relationships. We’ve talked about being the captain of our soul. And “if it’s to be begins with me”. We’ve talked about

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Community Garden

Are you building community?

Are you building community? In January, John spoke about energy, the energy of control and about how, for the past two years all of us have felt that we’re being

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