John the Beloved

Are you open to your Soul’s Signals?

Do you know your Soul’s vision for you? Will you recognise it when it does? Are you allowing it to materialise? Tony and I left the UK for New Zealand in 1980. Tony was headhunted, being a master printer and I was a Mum and worked for the government. We were going to start a new life – and at that point had no idea what it was or where it might lead us. I knew I was psychic and intuitive – but we have to live in the real world, don’t we? So I hid that side of myself. Three years later I had a vivid dream. I was standing on the bank of the local river, which was a beauty spot. The river had run dry and it was a dust bowl. There was no water to be seen. The next moment, I was standing at the top of some hills looking out and there was the most beautiful blue sparkling water. I didn’t recognise the place but I loved it. One week later Tony was invited to Auckland for a job interview. We decided to drive up and see some of the country along the way, not realising it would be a ten hour drive. We thought it was an adventure. Little did we know. As we crested the Bombay hills we stopped at an outlook – and there was the place of my dream. Not a lake of water but an urban sprawl that I knew was the place I had dreamed of. Our souls’ vision was an unknown to us at that time but we followed it. We recognised and accepted the signs. Tony took the job and our life changed forever. That is when John stopped speaking only to me and began preparing me for his work with others.