John the Beloved

Was July a challenge or opportunity?

Was July a month of challenge or opportunity for you? How often do you start out in one direction and then find yourself going in a different direction? Do you fight it and try to persevere or do you accept what is and seek the opportunity in it? One month ago I was in Andorra doing research for our retreat in 2018. The energy was great, the scenery fantastic and I was thoroughly enjoying life. Then I received some sad news that whilst not surprising was certainly unexpected and my plans changed. My brother-in-law passed away and I returned to the UK to be with family. What do you do when faced with challenge? Do you accept what is since it cannot be changed and look for the opportunities? This was not a time to celebrate. However, there were things for which I could be thankful. Time with my sister to simply be together, reconnecting to people I had not seen for some time, enjoying an English country garden rather than the typical Australian one. I love both – and on my return discovered Australia has bluebells too! Who knew? It’s really all about the sacred space we create for ourselves. When we stand in that space no matter the challenge we can always find opportunity. Or as in Forrest Gump, when life hands you lemons do you make lemonade?So when faced with lemons I created lemonade. I created a space within and used the gift of the time in Andorra to help me to maintain it. There I had felt an energy of peace and strength that was beautiful. Despite the turbulence of July’s energy, I sat in my sacred space and found so much for which to be thankful. Do you do that? I hope so because this month is all about Eclipse energy. What we resist will come up to the surface for our attention. Perhaps time to look at your lemons now before the Eclipse energy really starts?