John the Beloved



Embracing Our Purpose

When we energise our purpose, does it mean we’re fulfilling it more? It means that we are embracing it more. I think that’s the word I would use, that we’re

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Ways to rejuvenate

Ways to Rejuvenate

With so much going on in the world and so many things to keep track of, we can often find ourselves feeling tired, or unenthusiastic and assume it’s because of

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finding inner peace
John The Beloved

3 Ways to develop Inner Peace

3 Ways to develop Inner Peace This month, we’re talking about three ways to develop inner peace. With so much happening in the world, the Russia – Ukraine conflict, the

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John The Beloved

Counting our blessings

Working with the colour pink last week represents acceptance: acceptance of where we are, not acceptance of how we got there, or why. However, when we stand in acceptance, it

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