2018 was a turbulent year for many of us – and most of that turbulence revolved around relationships – with ourself, our family, friends and others. It asked us to look at ourselves honestly and not take ourselves too seriously. For Tony and I, it also involved moving ourselves and our business from Australia to New Zealand, all whilst facilitating a retreat in Europe. John certainly knows how to challenge us!
It’s true that when we’re challenged, we step out of our comfort zone. However, it’s more than that. We’re being asked to see that our life experiences are there for us to learn and grow, not to suffer through. If we look at life this way then we see opportunities. At the end of last year, I was particularly challenged around a couple of relationships. I looked at what was behind it all and realised it was about our service. We teach that we are all here in service, not sacrifice.
It’s time to work with those who are genuinely interested in working with Spirit- and not the glamour of “being spiritual”.
It’s about working with those who choose joy, not doubt, whose focus is service not self. Consequently, we’ve decided that the major retreats in Port Douglas will be the last ones available to everyone. From 2020, our retreats will be:
- for those wishing to develop specific abilities or
- for those wanting to truly shift vibration or
- for those for whom service is the key and
- maximum 6 people to ensure all are able to feel their connection and how it deepens.