This week is a review of all we have been sharing for the past couple of years. We hope that it might remind you of some of the experiences we have shared and encourage you to be more involved in the community or even the Phoenix Rising group.
In 2016 I asked the question: Will your 2016 be a year of joy?
How many of you, looking back, found that your hope for the year exceeded your expectations? How many felt you had expected too much?
When we have a hope and do nothing to empower it then it can disappear in our daily living. Tony and I took a holiday over that Christmas and cruised from Australia to New Zealand. It provided an opportunity that we thoroughly embraced and enjoyed after the pain of his brain tumour surgery. Here is an extract from that article.
“Being awake to who we are, alert to the consequences of our actions and aware of how much we can therefore change our world. The New Awareness is about this. We are already having an impact. Now we have the opportunity to anchor it as a way of life. John’s phrase for this period is Connect, Create and Change.Through this we are able to build solid communities that are loving and caring.”
How well did you embrace that?