John the Beloved

Are you truly thankful for your life and everything in it?

As we step into 2017 more fully we are beginning to have an idea of how the energy is flowing for us. Despite the turmoil of the USA elections, the year began with a softness that 2016 didn’t have. We are in a new energy and it is so important for us to know that and feel it.

John spoke last month about the New Era and how to step into it. He also asked us to look at who we are being. If we truly accept All That Is then we will know that there is a purpose to everything. The trick for us is to step forward without looking back in sorrow.

Christmas was a time of relaxation and joy, despite the heat! Of all I could have received, the best gift was and is Tony’s full recovery from the brain tumour. For that I am very thankful! A time of uncertainty, that we would certainly not have chosen, has become an opportunity to look at our lives, all we enjoy and all we can change to enjoy more. We do not look back in sorrow at what occurred but ahead at what is to enjoy.

Tony is no longer available to help you and I with appointment bookings or enquiries. He is now semi-retired and having a ball! It is lovely to see him discover new ways of being which would never have occurred without the shock that came first. So, am I thankful he had a brain tumour? Yes. Am I thankful that he is now semi-retired? Yes. Will I miss his humour? YES!

What are you thankful for that might not have seemed such a good thing initially?

Finally I am thankful that so many of you are actively engaging in your spiritual path. John’s sessions for the year are already full. Of course you can always listen to his monthly talks which are profound to say the least. Whatever you choose thank you for being part of my life and journey.

Together we can make the world a place of joy and light
