John the Beloved

Shaping Outcomes That Affect Us All

There’s a lot of noise in our world at the moment. People have opinions, they have a right to express them. And yet it seems as though a lot of people are being drowned out in voicing their opinions.

We’ve been talking about Shaping Outcomes. And so this month, in light of world events, how do we achieve the outcomes we’re trying to shape if they affect other people? 

When we’re trying to achieve an outcome that’s solely for ourselves, we may need to consider family or friends. We may not, depending on our circumstances. When we’re demanding a global outcome, how do we shape that in such a way that we don’t become the abuser we’re shouting against? How do we initiate the opportunity to shape outcomes? 

I would say through discussion. Shouting the loudest doesn’t always get the answer, although it does get the attention. The more that we can calmly discuss with each other what it is we want to achieve, the more effective we’ll be. But while everour emotions rule our common sense and our logic, it’s very hard to achieve any outcome whether we try to shape it or not.

How do you feel about that?

If you’d like to watch a Video version of this month’s Blog, click here!


One Response

  1. I feel that being able to observe and listen without judgment, and stop and see how it may be to stand in another persons shoes, shuts the door on a separative reaction; and opens up opportunities to have a real conversation that is much more gentile and allows things to organically unfold between all parties concerned.

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