Do you feel like a mouse on a wheel? Are you manifesting with ease or do you feel you have to earn what you desire? Are you feeling tired most
I have been asked recently what the difference is between the Violet Flame and the Blue Flame and which we are best to use. In the early 1980’s the Violet
Embracing Serenity What is serenity? What does it offer? Where is it in your life? Serenity seems such an old fashioned word, doesn’t it? And yet, we all need serenity
2016 is about our ability to connect, create and change to empower all we have been building. This year the energy is about enjoying who we are and celebrating all
Do you know your Soul’s vision for you? Will you recognise it when it does? Are you allowing it to materialise? Tony and I left the UK for New Zealand
Are you at a turning point yet? Have you followed the trail? Were you interested in the directions? Did you step onto your path? This past year has been all
Are you ready to live with joy? Do you have a plan for moving forward? Have you created the platform for the future? John tells us that we are entering
Over the past few months John has asked a variety of questions in his monthly talks and provided exercises to help us to answer his questions. In addition I have